Sunday, June 10, 2007

Reading Pleasure

I'm in the habit of reading an hour or two before bedtime. I hadn't realized I'd been doing the majority of that reading on my laptop for quite a while now. I'm talking about pleasure reading--other authors work. Ebooks. I was out of town last night and without my laptop. You guessed it. I had to satisfy my reading pleasure with the little paperback I've been carrying around in my purse. Only instead of enjoying the nightly ritual I've become accustomed to, I became frustrated. Not with the writing because I can hardly remember what I read. My frustration was in trying to read the fine print. I had to dig out my magnifying glasses. Then there was the irritation each time I turned the page and had to reposition the book in my hands so the pages wouldn't flip back and I'd be on another page and have to figure out what page I'd been reading.

There is no denying it anymore. My personal reading preference is an ebook.

Until Next Time...Heat Up The Bedroom...Read A Lacey Diamond Book...Lacey

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